Daily Declarations

Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that “life is in the power of the tongue.” Through declarations (intentionally speaking God’s truth aloud over ourselves, circumstances, people we love, etc.), God has given us a powerful, practical tool to renew our minds and direct the course of our lives with our words. Declarations have the power to increase our level of faith to propel us to experience all that Jesus has won for us. “Faith comes by hearing,” (Romans 10:17). We won’t have something just by saying something, but saying something is necessary to having something. We believe that nothing happens in the Kingdom unless a declaration is made.

60 Declarations to speak over yourself to activate and engage your awareness with your spirit. Inspired By Steve Backlund, Igniting Hope: https://ignitinghope.com/declarations

  1. Powerfully influence my surroundings.
  2. I am abundantly Blessed in my finances.
  3. I know who I am in God and live accordingly.
  4. I am Empowered to change the world.
  5. I am confident and happy with who I am.
  6. God is always speaking to me.
  7. I prosper in all my relationships.
  8. I am in inner unity with the beliefs of Jesus.
  9. God passionately loves me.
  10. I release Peace, Joy, and Love to others.
  11. I quickly recognize lies and replace them with Truth.
  12. I replace negative thought patterns with Hope and Truth.
  13. I celebrate my Progress.
  14. People are drawn to me.
  15. God is my Perfect Father.
  16. I Trust what my Spirit sees and senses.
  17. I am aware of my Spiritual senses.
  18. I recognize and understand the realm of the Kingdom.
  19. My thought life is deeply connected to who I am in God.
  20. It is natural for me to Believe the Promises of Jesus.
  21. God’s Goodness is my anchor in the storm.
  22. My Spirit has authority over my mind.
  23. I carry the substance of Favor.
  24. I easily receive Blessings.
  25. I create strongholds of Blessings in my family.
  26. I am a powerful person in speech and action.
  27. I create strongholds of Blessings wherever I go.
  28. I receive constant nourishment to my Body, Soul, and Spirit.
  29. I am tremendously powerful because of the influence of the Holy Spirit.
  30. The light of God within me destroys the works of the enemy.
  31. My Spirit imparts wisdom and knowledge to others.
  32. Failure does not prevent me from receiving God’s Love.
  33. I influence the atmosphere with God’s Presence.
  34. I am worthy to see and experience the Kingdom of God.
  35. I filter what I see, hear, and believe through the Promises of God.
  36. I Glorify God in coming alive in what He created me to be.
  37. God is Faithful to heal the relationships in my family.
  38. The talents God gave me bring energy and fulfillment to my life.
  39. My thoughts, emotions, and words are in inner unity.
  40. I feel connected to God in my Worship.
  41. My mind, will, and emotions are Transformed by God’s word.
  42. My thoughts and attitudes carry a force in the unseen realm that affects my everyday life.
  43. I intentionally build healthy strongholds in my mind and emotions.
  44. I am consistently gaining understanding of what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like.
  45. I joyfully anticipate what God can do today.
  46. My imagination is the soil for the seed of God’s Word.
  47. I see my future through the lens of Hope. 
  48. I build altars in my mind to God’s faithfulness.
  49. My identity comes from my Creator.
  50. I will always have a Solution.
  51. My Biblical optimism leads to Breakthrough.
  52. Light is more Powerful than darkness.
  53. The Word of God transforms my life.
  54. Increased revelation brings increase.
  55. I live a resurrected life.
  56. I reveal the Holy Spirit through the things I enjoy.
  57. God supplies all my needs according to His riches in Glory. (Philippians 4:19)
  58. God protects me and my family.
  59. There’s always HOPE for every situation.
  60. I know God as my Heavenly Father, My Heavenly Dad, and My Heavenly Daddy.